It seems so romantic, so perfect.
It’s a daydream we all aspire to, whether we are young and wish it would happen or old and wish it would have happened to us.
Some of us, I guess, look back on it with fond memories.
But is it really that great?
I mean, yeah the highs are freaking high, but the lows are bottom of Hell’s Grand Canyon low.
So many turbulent emotions we don’t (didn’t) (still don’t) understand. Getting so upset at the smallest perceived slight, when there wasn’t one to start with. Arguing over things we both see the same way but say differently.
Jeez! I don’t want that ever again!
All I want is the fairy tales, the anticipations, the afterglows.
The highs.
The highs.
So. I have claimed Mr. Vodka as my own, and I am his.