Month: June 2016

Purple Smirk

You might remember I have mentioned that I have a friend who does this artwork and let’s me use it here.

This piece totally caught my eye. Mostly because of what it was named- Purple Smirk.

My friend argued this wasn’t a good image and wasn’t done and didn’t really want me to use it, because they didn’t even really like it, but I refused to be denied!

Actually, I am mostly in agreement about the image. It’s a little off. A little odd.

But then, so would be a Purple Smirk.


I like the idea of a Purple Smirk. I want a Purple Smirk. I would bet I end up writing a story called Purple Smirk. Hell, I might even come up with a way to work that idea into a story.

Wait. Got it! Okay… Purple means Royalty, it means flowery, melodramatic  prose… So. I need a character who is a princess-like person who graces through the world in..

Naw. Screw it.  A Purple Smirk is the one you get from a hooker who knows you want her but don’t have the balls to ask how much.

I need a Purple Smirk. Off to the mirror to practice!

Walk Of Shame

Is there really such a thing as a Walk of Shame?

You betcha!

But here’s the thing…  it’s only a walk of shame because you let others make you feel that way.


They are just horribly fucking jealous because you got laid hard last night and they didn’t.  So they try to shame you.

This should be the fucking Cock Strut Home, where you proudly walk bow-legged home leering at everyone who didn’t get none last night, mutherfuckers.

Fuck them.

You had yours, and it was fucking good! Be proud!

Walk of shame, my ass!

Oh, wait… No. That’s a different kind of walk home…