
Purple Smirk

You might remember I have mentioned that I have a friend who does this artwork and let’s me use it here.

This piece totally caught my eye. Mostly because of what it was named- Purple Smirk.

My friend argued this wasn’t a good image and wasn’t done and didn’t really want me to use it, because they didn’t even really like it, but I refused to be denied!

Actually, I am mostly in agreement about the image. It’s a little off. A little odd.

But then, so would be a Purple Smirk.


I like the idea of a Purple Smirk. I want a Purple Smirk. I would bet I end up writing a story called Purple Smirk. Hell, I might even come up with a way to work that idea into a story.

Wait. Got it! Okay… Purple means Royalty, it means flowery, melodramatic  prose… So. I need a character who is a princess-like person who graces through the world in..

Naw. Screw it.  A Purple Smirk is the one you get from a hooker who knows you want her but don’t have the balls to ask how much.

I need a Purple Smirk. Off to the mirror to practice!