Some of us really don’t like the cutesy stuff so much.
Especially on the news and the Internet. It’s too much. Overdone, sickly sweet. It creates an artificial bubble of nice in an ugly world, creating a dichotomy so artificially strong that sometimes it literally makes some of us physically sick.
But not always.
Always is the problem.
Sometimes a little cutesy stuff is good. It can distract us for a moment from the terribly ugly, give us a second to take a breath before we have to dive back into the shitty stuff.
Because the problem with the shitty stuff is exactly the same. Especially on the news and the Internet. It’s too much. Overdone, disgustingly distasteful. An artificial bubble of hatred and over-zealousness in a pretty world, creating a blight that feeds upon itself and grows and infects everyone, at least a little bit, with its displeasure, anger, and resentment.
So sometimes, we need a little cutesy stuff to kill a little shitty stuff.
But it’s a losing battle. Cutesy stuff doesn’t always win when applied as a salve, but shitty stuff, when thrown into a pile of cutesy, ruins it all, every time.
So next time you are trying to decide whether to be naughty or nice, take a moment to decide. Feed the beast, or dangle a feather in front of it to distract it.